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Alder House, Nottinghamshire

Residents & Rainbow Stripes Spread Smiles

Residents and staff at Acer Court and Alder House Care Homes in Nuthall are transforming playtime, having welcomed local mums and tots group Rainbow Stripes to host their fun-filled activities at the care homes after they lost their original venue following a cut in funding.

Both care homes offer lively entertainment and daily varied activities for their residents to enjoy as part of their comprehensive Well-being programme. When the care homes heard that the council funding had stopped for the Rainbow Stripes musical sessions, they got in contact with Sue and Pete who run Rainbow Stripes. Following the residents’ enthusiasm to help, they decided to run a mums and tots group in the care homes.

The result was a resounding success. Not only did the care homes provide a fun, safe space to play and make music, but the effect of bringing together the generations was truly rewarding. Afterwards, the care homes posted a photograph captured on the day to their Facebook page. It was quickly seen by over 26,000 people, and the reaction was overwhelmingly positive, gathering comments from members of the general public. One person remarked that “The smiles on their faces says it all”. Another said, “I think it is amazing what you are doing, both generations have so much to give and the happiness is clearly bringing to both young and old is truly immeasurable, well done to you all”.

Claire Harne, Regional Well-being and Activities Co-ordinator for Avery Healthcare captured the photo from their first group and commented, “Bringing the elderly and children together through these mutually beneficial activities help our residents to feel connected to others. Living in a care home does not stop you from getting involved with the local community and having plenty of fun!”