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Rivermere Care Home iPad presentation holly school student
Company News, Rivermere, Sevenoaks, Kent

Rivermere Donates iPad to Local School

Towards the end of January, Rivermere Care Home’s Home Administrator, Vicky Hartnett, received a beautifully-written letter from a smart young lady called Holly, who is a student at Dunton Green Primary School.

Rivermere Care Home iPad presentation holly school student sign

Holly mentioned in her letter that the school didn’t have suitable resources available for all students, with laptops that randomly switch off, and because of this she felt that iPads would be much better suited. It really sounded as though the equipment the students were using had seen better days, so Vicky decided she would try and do what she could to help.

Vicky contacted Avery’s Group Support Centre, based in Northampton, and told them of Holly’s plight. Members of the Avery team asked Vicky to send a copy of the letter and, like her, they too felt they wanted to help.

On Thursday 16th May, Holly, her Mum, her friend Charlotte and her teacher, Miss Fearfield, visited Rivermere so that the iPad could be formally presented. They enjoyed homemade treats courtesy of the Culinary Team and chatted to some of our residents about her letter and how the iPad would enhance her learning.

Thanks to Avery’s generosity, Rivermere’s brand-new iPad will make sure that (in Holly’s words), “when visitors come, they will see we’re modern and keeping up-to-date”.