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RBL Cookbook Winner Web Banner: Uncle Fred's Irish Stew
Company News, Astbury Manor, Bracknell, Berkshire

RBL Cookbook Winner: Uncle Fred’s Irish Stew

Uncle Fred’s Irish Stew

In honour of the Royal British Legion’s centenary this year, and in line with the release of their veteran cookbook – ‘Cooking with Heroes: The Royal British Legion Centenary Cookbook’, Avery held a competition whereby residents were invited to share their favourite childhood food memories. Group of residents, Pat, Debbie, Bernie, Linda and Well-being Co-ordinator, Jean at Astbury Manor Care Home, in Bracknell, joined together to create a wonderful poem, relating to two of the ladies Irish heritage and their favourite meal, Irish stew. They were thrilled to be recipients of one of the prized cookbooks. And here is their entry below:


Uncle Fred’s Irish Stew


Pat, Debbie, Bernie, Linda, and Jean

Irish stew with meat and veg, made and served by Uncle Fred.

You dip in the bread that’s lashed with butter

No one, but no one dares to mutter.

It’s filling it’s hot and tasty too

Swallowed down with a good cup of brew.

There’s lamb, potato parsley and veg, all mixed together by our dear Fred

He`s no idea of portion size and makes so much were now twice the size!

He needs a book with quantity and measures, a book that we would love to treasure.

Uncle Fred the Army cook we love his stews we love his look

He’s our dear Fred who feeds us well let’s loosen our belts as we begin to swell.


For more winning cookbook entries, visit our news page here.