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Company News, Spencer House, Northampton

Pets As Therapy Visit Spencer House

Residents at Spencer House were overjoyed to welcome Vicki and her dog George from Pets As Therapy to their home. Extensive research underscores the profound benefits of pet therapy for psychological and emotional well-being. Spencer House collaborates closely with initiatives like Pets As Therapy and opens its doors to a variety of animals, such as petting farms and exotic critters.

Vicki and George were selected as ambassadors for Pets As Therapy, and they kindly asked Spencer House if they and the residents would like to participate in a national marketing campaign. Jan Davenport, Deputy Manager at Spencer House, said, “These services bring our residents such joy, and they can be very emotional at times. Our residents are keen animal lovers, and this can often evoke memories of their own pets. The impact of them coming is monumental and so emotional. It’s thought provoking, uplifting, and vital they still have contact with pets.”