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Company News, Poets Mews, Clevedon

Good All Round for Poets Mews Care Home

We are delighted to share that Poets Mews Care Home, in Clevedon, recently underwent a new inspection report from independent health and social care regulator, Care Quality Commission (CQC), achieving ‘good’ in all categories.

CQC is an executive non-departmental public body of the Department of Health and Social Care of the United Kingdom. The regulator inspects levels of safety, effectiveness, care, responsiveness and how well-led a residential home appears.

The report found that the staff at Poets Mews were kind, considerate and polite, and “Relationships between staff and people were positive.” The report also acknowledged that despite recent challenges following difficult lockdown periods, staff at the home felt supported by management to provide effective and supportive care.

Proud Home Manager, Alyson Day, said, “We are extremely happy to be able to celebrate this fantastic outcome. It’s been wonderful to achieve a rating we are proud of. The team have worked tirelessly, which has been reflected in the report.”

Congratulations to all at Poets Mews!