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Astbury Manor Care Home CQC Inspection building entrance team
Company News, Astbury Manor, Bracknell, Berkshire

Astbury Manor Receives Glowing CQC Report

“Care staff treat the residents with compassion, caring, dignity and respect.”

This is just one comment from our first Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection report, where we are very proud to announce that Astbury Manor Care Home has been rated as ‘Good’!

The CQC judged that we scored well in all five of its assessed categories of Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led. The full CQC report for Astbury Manor can be found on their website. Here are some of our other favourite comments from the report:

“People were treated with exceptional care and kindness. There were excellent relationships between staff and people, with staff putting people at the centre of their care”

“There was much laughter and relatives commented on how caring the staff were, with one comment [saying] the service was, ‘Absolutely outstanding… Staff are so friendly and helpful’.”

The report continued, saying “Staff were very happy in their jobs and there was an excellent team spirit. [Staff] felt supported by the management team and told us they had never felt so valued and encouraged to progress within their roles.”

Astbury Manor Care Home CQC Inspection building entrance team

Our Home Manager Juliet Gallop was over the moon with the result. She said “We’re all thrilled to celebrate this great achievement! Here at Astbury Manor, we have a commitment and philosophy for promoting independence and choice for our residents, supported by the highest quality care. This is a fantastic result for our first inspection, and I am very thankful to the whole team for their hard work.”

Well done to everyone on such an incredible result! We’d love for you to visit us and see the difference yourself. Come and join us at our Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 28th September 2018 or call us to arrange a visit at a time convenient for you. We also regularly upload stories about our daily life on our Astbury Manor Care Home Facebook page.