The staff at Albion Court Care Home in Winson Green, Birmingham, are celebrating their latest Care Quality Commission (CQC) rating of Good Overall! The CQC visited the home unannounced to complete a routine inspection.
Throughout their visit, the CQC inspectors spoke to a variety of our staff, residents and visiting professionals, who all provided positive feedback. Residents said, “I do feel safe. There are always people checking on us” and, “They look after me so well.”
A visiting health professional told the CQC, “We are generally happy with the home’s performance.”
Our staff said they were passionate about their roles. One staff member said, “I love working here. They [people] deserve the best care I can give them.” Staff also spoke about their relationships with the residents. “We know our residents. When is it quieter we go to their rooms and sit and have a chat with them. We read their life history so we can have a conversation with them.”
Residents also told the CQC that they were treated with dignity and respect. The CQC observed staff knocking and asking permission before entering a resident’s bedroom. “They [staff] are respectful, and they knock before they come in.”
Staff are also encouraging and supportive in helping residents to maintain their independence. One staff member explained how a resident had come to the home, unable to walk due to an injury. They said, “We encouraged [person] to walk and now they don’t need their wheelchair.”
The CQC report noted that their inspectors saw residents equality and diversity needs were respected, and our staff received training in equality and diversity to be able to meet resident’s needs. Staff told the CQC how people’s individual cultural and religious needs were met by providing specialised diets. Many religious leaders visit the home and organise religious trips out to places of worship. One staff member said, “I love that the home is so diverse; a lot of different nationalities of staff and residents.”
Inspectors also noted our compliments book and included one comment in the report that read, “Just wanted to say how impressed I was with how the care staff looked after [person]. They are a credit to your service.”
Beverley Aldridge, Home Manager, commented “We are very happy with the outcome from the CQC inspection. Staff at our home are amazing and work continually to provide quality care and are a great team. Well done to everyone!”
For more information about Albion Court, please call 0121 554 7261 or like us on Facebook.