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Aire View Care Home in Leeds
Aire View, West Yorkshire

Aire View score ‘Good’ in recent CQC Inspection

We were very proud to announce that Avery Healthcare’s Aire View Care Home has scored ‘Good’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) at a recent unannounced inspection.

The CQC are the independent regulator of health and social care in England. They ensure that health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care.

There were such positive comments that residents, relatives and staff made to CQC which was fabulous to see. Below are some highlights from the report:

One resident stated, “They look after our rooms, they are very clean. I’m settled and the staff are really good, they look after you”, “It’s excellent here, the staff are very good and I’m happy here.” Another told CQC, “, “The staff are polite and civil. I just ask for what I want and they bring it to my room. If I ask for something then it comes. If [name of staff member] is going to the shops she’ll fetch me what I like”

Residents’ relatives had such wonderful things to say, one said, “It’s been marvellous for my dad”, “They’ve been fantastic with him, he’s been here eight months” and “All of us are very pleased. He’s definitely pleased with where he is and the entertainment’s great.”

Overall CQC noted that, “Staff demonstrated they knew people well and were aware of their likes and dislikes. We saw staff treated people as equals which showed how much they valued people who used the service.” They also noted “We observed people were treated with dignity and respect.”

Well done and a huge thank you to all the team, who go above and beyond to make Aire View such a lovely place to reside and work in. Click here to read the full CQC Report for Aire View Care Home