Following the successful launch of the Employee Engagement survey in January this year, we were excited to launch our Resident & Family Survey on 18th March 2019.
This on-line survey will be issued to 14 Avery homes at a time on a quarterly basis and will be open for a month on each issue. As with the Employee Survey, it is managed by survey experts People Insight; all results will go directly to them to ensure anonymity and to help us to optimise the analysis of the results using their systems and expertise.
The Avery Survey Champions in the homes will be on hand to offer support and guidance on the completion of the Survey, which can either be done on-line via the link advertised at the homes, or a paper copy that comes with a stamped addressed envelope which can be requested from Reception. The on-line version of the survey is easy to fill in on either a laptop, pc, tablet or smartphone and can be completed by the resident on their own or with support from family and friends. For those of our residents who are unable to complete the survey, we would welcome the views of visiting family and friends who have first-hand knowledge of the home and the staff.
People Insight will input any paper surveys onto their systems so that results are combined with those on-line to ensure the data is more efficient than previous surveys.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey. Your views are important to us and such surveys enable us to acknowledge and reward great service, share best practice and of course respond to see any areas identified for further improvement.
Article by Isabel Crawford, Registratgion and Administration Manager, for Welcome Home Issue 9.