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Birchwood Grange Care Home Kings College London Student Nurses Banner Hero
Company News, Birchwood Grange, Harrow, Greater London

Kings College Student Nurses Start Placement at Birchwood Grange

The first three student nurses started their six-week placements at Birchwood Grange Care Home in September, following successful quality checks by Kings College London.

Birchwood Grange Care Home Kings College London Student Nurses

(Pictured: Our first three student nurses at the start of their placement with our Deputy Manager Linda)

We had previously developed links with Kings College in 2015 when we hosted a nurse handover study. Our working partnership then led to a presentation on the home to allow student nurses at Birchwood Grange.

We had to undergo a series of stringent quality check on both Avery’s and our home’s policies and procedures to ensure that we were meeting clinical standards for education and support learning and growth. Led by our fantastic Deputy Manager Linda Simpson, we passed with flying colours and on Monday 17th September our first three student nurses walked through to the door to much excitement!

Sandra Stark, Director of Care and Quality at Avery Healthcare, said “We are delighted to welcome student nurses to Birchwood Grange, which is a truly nurse-led setting focused on high quality care using a person-centred approach. Caring for older people with often complex needs requires a wide range of nursing skills and we look forward to learning from each other as we go forward.”

Our three student nurses have now been at the home for five weeks and our residents are loving having them around. We have been ensuring we support our nurses by mentoring and guidance during their clinical practice for learning.


Linda, who was central to arranging the placements, said “The students have been learning whilst being able to offer extra support to nurses at Birchwood Grange. This has been a great help to everyone at our home, and we will be very sad to see them leave at the end of their six-week placement, but their leaving party will certainly be one to remember!”

We can’t wait to welcome more student nurses throughout the year to our home!

Recently our Home Manager Mark Bird was shortlisted as a finalist in the Great British Care Awards in London and our home was awarded a top 20 award from for the second year in a row! To stay up-to-date with all we get up to at Birchwood Grange, be sure to follow our Facebook page.