Staff Engagement Survey Launch 2019

Company News

We are really excited to announce that the start of 2019 sees the launch of the new Avery Team Employee Engagement Survey. Opening in January, this completely anonymous survey is your opportunity as staff to help shape the future of our organisation whilst improving your own work experience.

Avery Staff Survey Logo grab a cuppa

We’ve recruited an independent firm, People Insight, a specialist consultancy in organisation development, culture and employee engagement to conduct the survey on our behalf. They will break down the feedback and compile the data which we will then use to develop recommendations, build action plans, and guide positive changes across the organisation based on the feedback our staff give us. We’ll make sure we share those plans with you too.

Get ready! Staff will receive an invitation to complete the survey to their personal email address from 21st January, which will include a link to the survey containing simple “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree” choices and should take less than 15 minutes to complete. There will also be a survey champion in each home should anyone need support in gaining access and to ask any further questions.

We would like to thank you in advance for your participation and support of this important initiative in which we want to hear from everyone. Your views are really important to us so please do take time to complete the survey. So, Grab a Cuppa and Tell us your Story!

Survey closes 8th February.


Article by Lisa Soper, Operations Manager South, for Welcome Home Issue 8.

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