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LCFC fan mail for South Lodge residents
Company News, South Lodge, Leicester, Leicestershire

Leicester City fan mail for South Lodge during lockdown

South Lodge Care Home were delighted to present signed Leicester City fan mail to overjoyed residents during lockdown.

The Premier League recently met with the Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden to discuss, “Project restart”, seeing the return of live professional football albeit “behind closed doors” to our screens from the 12th June. During the Coronavirus pandemic, many residents across our care homes have not been alone in missing sporting action. Coupled with the newfound pressures of the enforced yet necessary separation from their loved ones, with the world locked down, cancellation of international and national events has left many football fans at a loss.

Recognising and empathising with the psychological ramifications of this lack of sporting entertainment, Sabera Patel, Well-being and Activities Coordinator for Avery’s South Lodge care home, reached out to the team via email.

“When I contacted Leicester City Football Club, I explained that many of our residents were fans of the club and that they were not only missing be able to see their families but missing watching the season. Seeing it as an ideal opportunity to help boost morale and bring some joy in this challenging climate, I asked them if they would be able to mention our home. Not only was the club kind enough to respond to this request, but sent personalised individual messages signed by the team to some of our residents, who were simply overjoyed.”

No more so than one avid Leicester City supporter in residence at the home. A self-proclaimed “true-blue Foxes’ fan” and current season ticket holder, Mary was elated when she received her personalised card during lockdown. “Hooked” to the sport since her husband Peter had taken her to her first match, she was incredibly touched. and fel“chuffed” to see that the club had gone to lengths to include her name.

Resident holding letter from LCFC

“Whilst understanding that the return to football as we once knew it, will be a ‘slow’ and ‘measured’ process due to the virus,  Mary and her fellow football fans are certainly looking forward to getting back to live matches in person and being able to show their support by watching them live on TV in our home” concluded Sabera.