There are many reasons why a person of a certain age may not be feeling quite right, including the prospect of retirement, bereavement, and poor health. Still, the coronavirus pandemic has had an immense impact on the well-being of many people of all ages. In fact, 1 in 3 older people are feeling more anxious than they were before the pandemic.
For many people, work can bring a sense of purpose and provides a boost to their self-esteem. It can also provide structure and routine. At Avery, we work hard to remind residents of their values. In doing so, some of our residents even continue to work whilst residing at our homes. Be it assisting with maintenance, helping out in the kitchen or supporting our receptionists. We understand the importance of maintaining purpose and routine in one’s life.
Grief is natural and can last a long time. How you feel can be influenced by a number of things such as your personality and your connection with the person who has died. As well as your mental well-being, grief can have a strong physical impact therefore it’s essential to immerse in self-care to stay on top of your physical health. Even if you’ve lost your appetite, it’s important to keep eating and drinking healthy. And if you feel yourself neglecting your own care needs or you notice loved ones neglecting theirs then talk to someone such as a loved one or a professional.
Poor physical health can affect your mental well-being and quality of life. It can make it harder to get out and do the things you enjoy, which can make you feel depressed or anxious. Of course, there are things you can do to help maintain physical health, including regular exercise, eating well and attending regular check-ups with your GP.
Avery’s Approach
Avery’s Head of Well-being and Activities, Zahid Khan, says, “Learning about each of our resident’s lifestyle preferences, the activities they enjoy, and how they wish to spend their days is an integral part of our care system. At Avery, we understand and appreciate that each resident’s mental health is important. We strive to support them positively through our activity planners and well-being strategy, which promotes opportunities to engage in activities they enjoy doing and has a positive impact on their mental well-being.”
Prioritising mental health has never been more critical than it is now. Making a positive change can seem hard, especially during uncertain times. And sometimes, it can be hard to know where to start. Whether you want to take the first steps towards getting some help or learn more about helping those around you, today’s a great day to start taking the steps you need to improve your mental health.
For more on Mental Health Awareness, click here.