On 23rd November we were lucky enough to perform a tree planting ceremony at Loxley Park Assisted Living, Sheffield, in aid of The Woodland Trust.
Loxley Park Head Housekeeper, Geraldine Minns, arranged the ceremony after finding out about the Woodland Trust donating 50,000 trees for a tree planting campaign to coincide with a documentary called “The Queen’s Green Planet”. Geraldine applied for Loxley Park to take part in the campaign, and residents were delighted to hear that the home would receive two Rowan, two Silver Birch and one Hazel tree from the Trust.
Geraldine believed that Loxley Park would be a perfect place for the trees to flourish as the home is set on the outskirts of Sheffield in a natural semi-rural setting. The trees would be good for the environment as they absorb carbon emissions and provide shelter for local wildlife.
We invited Trevor Bagshaw, Chairman of Bradfield Parish Council, Rory Clayton from the Royal British Legion and Brian Clayton, Chair of the British Legion for Stannington & Bradfield to our ceremony to help us plant the trees. Residents of Loxley Park were also welcomed outside after watching a screening of “The Queen’s Green Planet” which featured The Queen and Sir David Attenborough.
Trevor Bagshaw Chairman of Bradfield Parish Council said that our development was fantastic, the grounds amazing and well-kept and that we should all be very proud. We look forward to watching our trees grow and add to our gardens over the years to come.