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Squires Mews Easter Banner
Company News, Squires Mews, Northampton

Easter Celebrations at Squires Mews

Staff and residents at Squires Mews Care Home in Northampton celebrated Easter in style, sitting back to relax with a cup of tea and a fresh hot cross bun. Residents were delighted to receive their own Easter egg, with relatives, friends and local community members taking part in an Easter raffle at Squires Mews. All funds raised were donated to Dementia UK.

In addition, Easter Sunday also coincided with National Gin and Tonic Day, and residents raising a glass in celebration of the occasion. Customer Service Manager, Josie Thomas stated, “Our Easter celebrations were full of cheer, with quality time spent amongst loved ones. Thank you to everyone who took part in our raffle.”

To see more of what we get up to at Squires Mews, visit our Facebook page.

Squires Mews Residents