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Company News, Derby Heights, Derby, Derbyshire

Derby Heights sends a Mothering Sunday message to families

BBC Radio Derby recently interviewed Claire Shore, our Customer Services Manager at Derby Heights Care Home, about our latest online initiative to keep families in touch whilst everyone is urged to stay at home.

Claire spoke to BBC Radio Derby’s presenter, Donna Alos, about our idea of residents sending a pre-recorded video message to their families over the Mothering Sunday weekend, letting their families know they are safe and well.

We already post regularly on our Facebook page, to keep family and friends informed of what their loved ones are doing. Both staff and residents wanted to do something extra special though for this weekend to let their families know they love them. Claire and other staff spoke to our residents early in the week to give them time to prepare their messages. The residents also liked the idea that these videos would be available forever for their families to look back on.

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Claire said, “We have had some very positive replies back from the video messages we sent out for Mothering Sunday. I was unable to see my own children, so it was a great privilege to be part of enabling our lovely mums to send a message to their children instead.”

She continued, “I’ve even had messages from people that are not connected to Derby Heights saying what a lovely thing it was to do! We wont be stopping just at Mothering Sunday though – we are Skyping all the time to our families to stay in touch.”

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For more information about Derby Heights, please call us on 01332 540060 or Like us on Facebook.