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Avery Takes the Pressure Off

Pressure ulcers can lead to reduced quality of life for people, with the prevalence of pressure ulcers of 1 in 4 (around 25%) recorded in the NHS Safety Thermometer (NICE, 2015). This clinical measure is a clear indicator of care performance, with pressure ulcers occurring in any setting and residents in care homes potentially at risk.

Avery Healthcare is delighted to confirm that it’s rate of home-acquired pressure ulcers is stunningly low at less than 1% (1 in 100), a sector-leading care statistic for this national operator. Avery collects key performance indicators monthly over a wide range of service delivery elements, one being the prevalence of home-acquired pressure ulcers; with the move to greater transparency within the sector it is pleased to share such evidence.

Pressure ulcers can be a common problem for people who have limited mobility or who sit or lie in one position for long periods where seating or mattresses do not provide suitable pressure relief. The risk of developing a pressure ulcer increases when a person is seriously ill, has a neurological condition, where nutrition and hydration is impaired, where posture is poor or they have a deformity. The impact is multi factorial and includes pain, risk of infection and increased morbidity.

Julie Spencer, Deputy Director of Care and Quality, comments, “Avery is fastidious in its focus to reduce the prevalence of pressure ulcers, giving residents a greater positive experience of care; this success is achieved through: quality staff training, raising awareness and increasing knowledge on prevention, provision of suitable pressure relieving equipment, the use of validated pressure ulcer risk tools and root cause analysis learnings, with a personalised approach to each resident. We’ve also undertaken research with key supplier Talley, on the use of static pressure reducing equipment.”