Avery Healthcare’s Head of Dementia Care, Jo Crossland, is currently delivering a series of virtual Dementia Awareness Sessions for North Northants Volunteer First Responders.
The sessions came about when Heather Perkins, Avery’s Dementia Support Advisor met Stacey Price, North Northants First Responders Co-ordinator, whilst receiving her first dose of the Covid vaccine. As she was chatting to Heather to put her at ease before receiving her vaccination, Stacey was interested in Heather’s occupation, mentioning that the First Responders had not been able to source any suitable dementia awareness training for themselves. Heather approached Jo Crossland who agreed that Avery would be very happy to help with this.
The sessions, which have been arranged to take place during the evenings to fit around the volunteers’ busy schedules, are entirely free of charge and are facilitated by Jo with support from Heather. Jo commented, “I think it’s so important to support our external colleagues who are working with people with dementia. I was very keen to ensure the first responders who give up their valuable time, and who are often the first people who are called out to a person with dementia who is unwell have the right information and support to do what they do.”
The first sessions this week provided an overview of the day-to-day challenges experienced by a person with dementia as well as unpicking some common misconceptions that still surround the disease. Around 40 volunteers joined the first sessions, interested in learning and increasing their awareness of the subject. Feedback was very positive, with one participant commenting that she had found it to be, “Such an amazing and informative session this evening.”
The second and final sessions will take place in March and discuss ways of engaging with a person with dementia who is unwell and supporting their family.
Click here to read more about our Dementia Care Approach.