Alder House Retains CQC Good In All Categories

Company News, Alder House

Staff and residents at Alder House Care Home in Nuthall, Nottingham, are celebrating their recent Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection rating, as the home received a ‘Good In All Categories’ rating for the second time on the trot. The inspection scored Alder House on five principal categories: safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led; residents and the team are proud to have retained their position once again.

The report stated that the home was rated Good overall because “The service was effective in the way it supported people.” And “Everyone we spoke to told us that staff were caring.” The report continued by stating “People told us that they felt safe. The service managed risks safely and there were enough staff available to support people”, “The mealtime experience was positive.” And “People were supported and treated with dignity and respect.” One person told the CQC that “I think staff know what they are doing on two levels. They know what they are doing and they notice other things too, they deal with things quickly.”

Home Manager, Jeremy Dignum is thrilled with the result, saying “I have worked hard with the team here at Alder House to maintain our good CQC result, and I am pleased to see that our hard work has paid off. I am very proud of my team.”

Alder House Care Home CQC Inspection staff celebrate certificate signage

Well done to everyone at Alder House for achieving this amazing result again!

Alder House was also recently awarded a five-star quality banding in their Local Authority inspection. To see what else Alder House get up to, be sure to Like us on Facebook or see our recent blog when Sherrie Hewson came to our Medieval Open Day. You can read the full report for Alder House on the CQC website.

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