Acer Court awarded ‘Outstanding’ in Responsive after CQC inspection

Company News, Acer Court

The staff and residents at Acer Court Care Home in Nuttall, Nottingham are incredibly excited to announce that the Care Quality Commission recently completed an unannounced two-day inspection at the home, and have rated Acer Court as Good Overall with an ‘Outstanding’ in Responsive!

The CQC inspects the services delivered in care homes in five categories (Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led.) Each category is then graded based on their findings, with an overall rating given. The CQC gave Acer Court this rating as their inspection proved they are consistent throughout.

Acer Court’s CQC report included many positive comments from residents, such as: “I do feel safe. They [staff] make you feel wanted here, they are lovely.” and “They always knock on the door before they enter my room. They respect my culture and talk to me about it. They always respect me.”

It was noted in the report that staff are very caring in a very professional friendly manner. They are good and friendly but not overfamiliar. Staff knew that privacy was important to the residents, and the CQC observed staff waiting outside residents rooms before being welcomed to enter. The CQC spoke to relatives who confirmed staff were kind and compassionate.

Acer Court celebrates CQC

Linda Simpson, Home Manager, is delighted with the result: “The staff at Acer Court have worked extremely hard over the last few years to achieve this fantastic report, I could not be more proud of them and am so grateful they continue to allow me to be a part of their team. Each and every staff member played a huge part in this achievement, not just on the day of inspection but every day since our previous inspection. I would like to thank them all for their hard work and commitment to Avery, Acer Court and our residents.”

Linda Simpson Home Manager celebrates CQC

Emma Miles, Regional Manager, was also delighted with the result: “I am so thrilled that Linda and the whole Acer Court team have received the recognition from CQC for the outstanding work they do to ensure their residents have a home and quality of life second to none.”

To find out more about Acer Court, visit our Facebook page or call 0115 977 7370.

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