Our CQC inspection report is now live! Newcross Care Home in Wolverhampton has received Good in all categories have some wonderful comments. Here are some of the highlights:
There were good relationships between staff and people they cared for. Staff promoted people’s dignity and consistently showed them respect when providing care and support. One visitor said their relative, “Gets one to one attention, they really look after them, the carers do care”. Another visitor said, “There are lovely staff here”.
We saw staff consistently approached people in a caring way, for example when speaking with people we saw they were friendly, respectful and polite. For example staff told us how people’s outlook may influence their choices on different days. This showed people received care that responded to their changing needs, with their involvement.
There were a number of staff that were ‘dignity champions’ and one told us they saw this as important as they had a responsibility to ensure staff were motivated, and learnt from observations of their practice. The member of staff told us it was the, “Little things” that were sometimes important to ensure staff treated people like they would want their own relatives treated.
People told us they felt safe and staff treated them well. One person told us, “I know I am safe, Its knowing you’ll have help if needed”. Another person said, “I feel safe here, it’s having people around that makes me feel safe”. A visitor told us, “There are always activities, there is always something going on”.
We found staff were well trained and were knowledgeable about people’s individual needs. People said staff were able to provide them with care in a way that met their expectations. A person said staff “Are excellent from the top to the bottom”. We saw that systems were in place to ensure staff completed, and then updated training in core skills and knowledge. A visiting health care professional told us, “The home is good, they follow my care instructions. I like coming here”. One visitor told us the registered manager, “Was very good to us because when we were upset, they helped us understand”. A visitor told us, “This is the best home I’ve been in, I rate this one”, another, “Its Brilliant, I find [the deputy manager] is always accessible, I would recommend this home”.
People said they received a choice of good food and drink. One person told us, “I’ve got no complaints about the food. There is a choice on the menu and you get alternatives. You get quite enough to eat”. Another person said, “The food is very good, very good indeed”. A visitor told us, “The food is lovely”. One person told us they were offered plenty of drinks and said, “I don’t have to ask for a drink, it’s just there”. We saw that there was a separate ‘chit chat cafĂ©’ on the top floor and there was ready access to a range of high calorie foods if people wanted a snack, for example homemade cakes.
There are some wonderful comments made about our home and staff – we have a very hardworking, knowledgeable and caring team here at Newcross. A huge well done and a big thank you to them all!
To read the full report and download a copy for yourself, click here.